
Hello! My name is Corissa Cox. Located in Tacoma, Washington; I am a wife, a mother of three, a housekeeper, chef, chauffer, a volunteer, and I AM CC’s Culinary Creations! I have always loved baking, and have always been an artistic person; but it wasn’t until recently that I put those two together and discovered my love for cake decorating. I have spent the last few years teaching myself decorating, and piping techniques, while also delving into the deep science that is baking! Trying different recipes and ingredients, changing recipes, and combining some of my favorite recipes to make mouth water combinations; like, Chocolate Covered Strawberry, or Raspberry Lemonade! My goal is to take a customers vision and make it my own, all the while creating something they hopefully will love. I hope that I have the chance to create something for you one day!